Kimberley Process


What is the Kimberley Process?

The Kimberley Process (KP) is a global initiative that aims to stop the trade of conflict diamonds, which are rough diamonds used by rebel groups or their allies to fund wars against legitimate governments. Conflict diamonds are also known as blood diamonds, as they are often associated with human rights abuses, environmental damage and corruption.

The KP was launched in 2003, after a meeting of diamond-producing and -consuming countries, the diamond industry and civil society organisations in Kimberley, South Africa. The KP established the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS), which requires participating countries to certify that their rough diamond exports are conflict free and to implement strict controls on the movement of diamonds from the mine to the market. The KPCS also requires countries to cooperate with each other and share information on diamond production and trade.

The KP has 56 participants, representing 82 countries, including the UK and the European Union. The KP members account for approximately 99.8% of the global production of rough diamonds. The KP also has observers from the diamond industry and civil society groups, who play an important role in monitoring and improving the implementation of the KPCS.

The KP has helped to reduce the trade of conflict diamonds from an estimated 15% of the global supply in the late 1990s to less than 1% today. The KP has also contributed to improving the livelihoods of millions of people in diamond-producing countries, especially in Africa, by ensuring that their natural resources are not exploited by armed groups or corrupt officials.

The KP is a voluntary system that relies on the political will and cooperation of its participants, which may vary depending on their interests and capacities. The KP is constantly evolving and adapting to new situations and demands, and it welcomes constructive criticism and suggestions from all stakeholders.

As a UK jewellery store, we have a responsibility to ensure that your diamonds are sourced from ethical and legal sources. We do this by asking our suppliers for proof of origin and certification of their diamonds, and by checking that they comply with the KPCS requirements. We also try to educate your customers about the KP and its benefits for the diamond industry and the communities involved. By supporting the KP, we are not only complying with the law, but also contributing to peace, development and sustainability in the world.